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Champagne Bay is one of those elusive spots that is so remote and hardly has visitors to this side of the Island. Many a cruise before us has not made it due to the fast changing currents. However if you are visiting Luganville, you can arrange a transfer to Champagne Bay across land.

It was a lucky break for us and our cruisling buddies who actually had the opportunity to go ashore and enjoy this pristine bay.

From the ship to the dock, the tenders had a hard time stopping. But when we were on the shore, the waters are as still and calm with hardly a ripple in sight.

Lobsters and Coconuts – doesn’t it sound divine and make you want to read more? Champagne Bay is renowned for fresh delicious Lobster. The boys in Santo will head out in their fishing canoes the night our ship arrives. They dive traditionally (no scuba or snorkels) at the reef and collect fresh lobster with their bare hands from the sea bed. When we come ashore, they show their catches on large wooden tables (2 sized lobsters at a time) for us to choose to eat and pay. They then place it in the giant hot water pots. Cook it, shell it, and wrap in a banana leaf with fresh lime wedges. Sounds so delicious. I was very keen to try however, they were not cheap. A small lobster will set you back AUD50. A medium size was AUD70. Given hubby is allergic to shellfish; I could not justify this luxury. People were walking away with them though and it was great to see the local boys hard work paid off.

We opted for fresh coconuts. The local women at the market stalls sell their fresh produce and also collect coconuts that have fallen off the surrounding trees and sell. There are 2 different varieties of coconut. Fresh coconuts which have silky soft white flesh and amazing coconut milk inside. They will use their machetes and cut a piece out and stick a straw in for you to enjoy. They also sell the dried coconut. The ones we find in the supermarkets. I love eating this crunchy flesh. These are only AUD1.00 each.

The markets are run by the same stall holders from Luganville. So if you missed buying a particular souvenir in Santo, you will be able to find it again here.

We spent our day enjoying the water with our new friends. The water was a lovely warm temperature and it was clear and serene. Just what a holiday should be like.

Next port is Port Vila in Vanuatu where we visited the Waterfalls at the Gardens of Eden. Stay tuned.

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